
Who Is Bacchus

who is bacchus

Worship Bacchus OR ELSE | Myths RETOLD

Hey guys
just a head's up
in the next couple days I'm gonna start adding NEWFANGLED HYPERLINKS
to the over 100 myths on this thing
so that if a character in one myth
gets mentioned in some other myth
you will be able to click on their name
and see the other myth
using internet magic
so get excited

Alright let's see if i can do this before i pass out

so remember Tiresias?
so in this myth he is up to his old tricks again
his old tricks being
to tell people bad things are going to happen to them
and then they happen
in this case he is talking to some dude named Pentheus
now i can pretty much guarantee
that Pentheus is not a name you are gonna see in any other myths
because the first thing that happens in this myth
is tiresias is like oh hey pentheus
you refuse to worship bacchus and then your face gets torn off
and Pentheus is like FUCK THAT
and literally picks up tiresias and throws him

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